Romance scams on the rise after a year of pandemic, but can be avoided through education


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Tue, 04/06/2021 - 5:30pm to 5:45pm


A year into the pandemic, it would be hard to say that the feeling of loneliness hasn’t entered each of our lives in some way. But it’s not always that it takes a financial toll too. From 2019 to 2020, the reported losses from sweetheart or romance scams increased by 50 percent, according to the Federal Trade Commission. Over 300 million dollars were lost to these kinds of scams last year. AARP Oregon is hosting a webinar to educate people about the warning signs of romance scams on April 23rd.

KBOO's Althea Billings spoke with Chuck Harwood, the FTC Regional Director to learn more.

Related Links:

AARP Webinar on Romance Scams

FTC data on Romance Scams

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