Political Upheavals in the Middle East, Our Economy, and the situation for working people



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Air date: 
Tue, 03/29/2011 - 12:00am
Political Upheavals in the Middle East, Our Economy, and the situation for working people

 Hosted by Joe Uris.  Abe is Sick, sick, sick...  Or, maybe just playing Hooky.

Joe goes solo today with a look at the political upheavals in the Middle East, the economy of the U.S. and the situation of working people across the country.

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I'm sorry but I found much of the rambling criticism by some of these women as overt the top and absurd.  I dont think Joe talks too much, and he has a unique voice. I don't see what's wrong with a litle sarcasm.  Its a morning show.  Why must every program be so serious.  I feel that many of the callers complaining are exhibitionists who just want their own radio program-they go on and on and on and on--rambling and I dont really care what there saying.  A small fraction of waht they say is important, the rest is extremely subjective personal winging. Joe is th ehost--I think that entitles him to more talk time.  i want to hear him, I tune into his program, because I like his sense of humor, I want to hear his comments. I consider myself extreme left when compared to most Americans who i find to be silly fascists in ther thinking, and to be honest, I feel Joe has a slightly more conservative, perhaps more objective opinion than my own. I want to challenge my own hinking with other reasonable more conservative points of view.  Some people never challenge their thoughts, and get comfortable in going to the same books, websites , forus where everyone thinks exactly like them and their world view is rarely or never threatened--so in fact they know nothing.  I think of JOe as the conservative voice of reason on Kboo--slightly further right than my own opinions, and I appreciate that.
I think that some of the women on that called in are far to sensitvie, patronizing, condescending, and dergagatory.  And there is no need for it.  Joe was calling for more listeners to share with him, not jump down his throat.  And I have to say many of the callers seem a bit touched.  maybe their should be a stricter screening process.  This is not your perosnal grievence time in group therapy.  Joe doesn't ridicule people when they hang up, he states his opinion, and thats just fine with me--it needs to be said, becuase many of these people are unreasonable, and illogical and spewing forth propaganda rhetoric that they got from cloistered fascist forums or the one-eyed monster.  if women dont want to call in, then they dont want to call in.  This is not the town council, its a radion show--'show'.  I dont see the need to change it too much.  What kboo can do is have a totally differrtn show--perhaps on the weekend with a female host for two ro even three hours where deeper call-in discussion is possible. I think you would find that few men call in, because the conversation would probably be a little rambling and feel-good, and men might fel ganged up on.  I think Joe is righ--first and foremost I think Kboo needs to get accurate information out there rhater than dillute the core themes with rambling disparity.  But I think the woman at the end made a point I agreew ith.  You could do the show for one hour or one half hour where you get your themes out, and perhaps interviews  (without callers) and then have thirty minutes of callers, and just make a rule--2 minutes each caller, no more.  I think that is reasonable. Youcan say a lot in 2 minutes.  There are other people waiting, and what you have to say is notht that important--not more than anyone else.  Keep in mind--there is a blog on the website--you can make comments there, as I am doing.  to keep the conversation going.  And any further discussion--if people ar serious about it can be done over coffee.  kboo or joe could announce a group that gathers at a certian place and time and functions like a casual town council, for longer discussions--it would spur a sense of community and stimulate action.  The group can meet twice a week, open to all, and it would focus what ever topic or topics that are paramount and on KBoo that week.
In summation, Joe these women were way way to critical, and completely unfair.  if they dont want to listen to joe there are many other women on Kboo-many. And all fascinating.  But the criticism directed at joe was unreasonable.  Ocnisder for a moment what they said and then consider the female hosts at KBoo--these women are not so passive and obliging--they are strong and forceful and shut people people down sometimes and push the platform, they even criticise soem of the callers abisurd comments--good, that's great!  Its completely unfair to say these things as if its just Joe or the men.  In fact, I think Joe is a pussy-cat compared to some woemn on Kboo.  I'm just glad there is a radio station out there that tells it like it is, and doesn't cave in too absurdities and wrongheaded fascists.  Lets get real for a second, most of the callers are always the same people-- i recognize their voices, and I know thier points of view.  Not that many people call in the first place.  And if you listen to any show on any station men doinate the callers.  Is it sexist to think that mostly, mostly in general, men ar emosre interested in politics, maybe it is, but I have, unfortunantly met few women interested in democracy or politics, and I'm a world traveller and a teacher.  i want there to be more.  its lonely out there.  i am always amazed when i hear the female hosts on kboo--simply because im wondering where all these women are at.  There on kboo.  But you'r all married unfortunantly.  Seriously, though, I have met literally 1 woman in my whole life who could probably talk about these things, and she was a stranger and I didnt get to know her because i was with another woman at the time. But hay this is not my diary.  Thank you for your dedication Joe, and thank you women of Kboo. 

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