Arthur Stamoulis of Oregon Fair Trade Campaign talks about the demonstration planned for Congressman Earl Blumenauer's Office on Monday, July 11 * 12:00 noon at 729 NE Oregon St (Near the 7th Avenue MAX Station)
Fifty-one union leaders were assassinated in Colombia last year — more than in the rest of the world combined. At least 17 have been assassinated so far this year.
As the Colombia Free Trade Agreement races towards a vote in Congress, our elected officials will be forced to pick a side. Will they stand with union members, small farmers, human rights advocates and others in the United States and Colombia who oppose the FTA? Or will they stand with the transnational corporations who profit off the violent suppression of workers' rights, the forced displacement of Afro-Colombians from their land and the dumping of subsidized agricultural commodities?
So far, Congressman Earl Blumenauer is "undecided" on the Colombia FTA.