White Castle Tree-Sit Aims to Block Southern Oregon Timber Sale



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Thu, 08/01/2013 - 12:00am
White Castle Tree-Sit Aims to Block Southern Oregon Timber Sale

As federal lawmakers advance legislation that would increase timber harvests across the nation, including in Oregon, the environmentalist group Cascadia Forest Defenders continues a tree-sit and blockade on proposed timber sale land in southern Oregon.

Occupiers with the White Castle Tree-Sit, located near Myrtle Creek, Oregon, aim to block the proposed one-hundred-ninety acre White Castle Variable Retention Harvest, which they call a thinly veiled clearcut targeting dwindling old-growth forests.

KBOO's Jenn Chavez spoke with Mary Grace with the Cascadia Forest Defenders for an update on the tree-sit, which began in early June and is now nearing its third month.

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