Host Dab Steadman talks with Cindy Scheel, the Executive Director of the PAW Team in Portland. Since 1999, the PAW Team has been providing free essential vet care & related services to pets of the homeless and low-income families. Monthly clinics are held throughout the year where the pets of "income-qualified" guardians receive a check-up, vaccinations including rabies shots, and any needed veterinary medicines, pet food & basic supplies. A non-surgical neutering service is also available. All this is accomplished with a nearly all-volunteer staff of 100+ people! Information to inquire about volunteer opportunities is listed below.
Under Cindy Scheel's direction, last year the PAW Team was named the "Pet Charity of the Year" by the Portland Mercury newspaper and also has received a letter of commendation from Portland mayor, Charlie Hales.
The PAW Team receives no government funding and runs mainly on donations from community members of both cash and in-kind donations, such as vet medical supplies, pet food, pet toys, outdoor wear for pets, blankets, etc. To make a donation or to inquire about qualifying for services or being a volunteer, contact: info@pawteam.org or call #(971) 333-0729. You can also visit their website: www.pawteam.org or stop into the PAW Team office at 11131 Se Oak Street in the old school building at the St. Francis Assisi complex.