The real secrets behind staying young. The best practices for healthy skin and hair. The vitamins and herbs that work like magic bullets. Simple daily habits that help overcome stress and shed extra pounds. Dr. LoGuidice clears up the confusion about what actually works and what doesn't and dispels the popular myths that are doing more harm than good. Dr. LoGiudice "takes care to lend credence to her recommendations by citing scientific and statistical findings. Readers will find some unusual tips, such as not showering immediately after being out in the sun to allow the skin to synthesize vitamin D, or sipping schizandra berry tea for its calming effects. True health, LoGiudice asserts, is not just physical: self-esteem and helping others are also components of her program, along with following a Mediterranean diet. LoGiudice packs a generous amount of information into her compact beauty guide."—Publishers Weekly