How to Support the Victims of Friday's MAX Attack



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Air date: 
Mon, 05/29/2017 - 5:00pm to 5:15pm

A number of crowd sourcing sites have sprung up to offer assistance for the victims and survivors of Friday’s horrific attack on a Portland MAX train.

Those wishing to provide support for the teenage girls who were the targets of the verbal abuse can go to  Donations will be used to help the girls recover from the trauma of the assault.

Several GoFundMe sites have been set up to provide support for the families of the two who died and to help with the medical costs of the third who was injured.

The TriMet Heroes fundraising link is intended to provide financial assistance to the families of Ricky John Best and Taliesin Namkai-Meche, the men who died in the attack.

The TriMet Hero Recovery campaign was launched to help cover Micah David-Cole Fletcher’s medical costs and recovery expenses. 

Micah, a member of the KBOO Hip-Hop Youth Collective, has been in the hospital since the attack and underwent a 2-hour surgery to remove bone fragments from his neck.

Finally, the Portland Muslim Education Trust has sponsored a LaunchGood fundraising page for men who went to the aid of the girls.

Fundraising proceeds will help with the short-term needs of the grieving families, including funeral expenses, and with the medical bills of Micah David-Cole Fletcher.

After all immediate expenses are covered, all extra funds will go towards the long-term expenses of the families.

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