Antifascist Activist Star Stoffer Speaks with KBOO's Joe Meyer about Police Violence.



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Antifascist Activist Star Stoffer Speaks with KBOO's Joe Meyer about Police Violence.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has introduced a new ordinance to further control street protests.

Wheeler is branding his proposal as the ‘Public Safety Ordinance’ and this would give him broad new powers to limit how citizens can express their opinions in public.

The ACLU has called the ordinance clearly unconstitutional.

A public hearing on the ordinance is schedule for tomorrow, November eighth, at two fifteen at Portland City Hall.

For more, KBOO’s Joe Meyer spoke with antifascist activist Star Stoffer. (staw-Fer)


Portland police have been long criticized for their provocative attitude towards protesters.

Mayor Ted Wheeler and our Chief of Police, Danielle Outlaw, seem intent on continuing this tradition.

In explaining police induced injuries after the August 4th protest, Chief Outlaw explained on the Lars Larson show that, quote “I come with the intention to fight. And then you get mad because I kicked your butt.”

Antifascist activist Star Stoffer gave public testimony on this issue at city hall this morning and I caught up with them just outside of chambers.

That was antifascist activist Star Stoffer.

They told us

That Portland police are not neural in their street enforcement: they target citizens thought to have left-leaning political belief, while protecting white nationalists, fascists and neo-Nazis.

That Mayor Wheeler, who is commissioner on charge of Police, has little motivation in gaining control of the Portland Police department;

and that Chief Outlaw calls the shots.

 The Portland City Council will hold a public hearing on Mayor Wheeler’s Protest Safetly Ordinance tomorrow at city hall at 2:15.

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