Blogger Chip Ward from takes a closer look at the Tea Party.



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Tue, 03/30/2010 - 12:00am
Blogger Chip Ward from takes a closer look at the Tea Party.

 Hosted by Abe Proctor and Joe Uris


For a few generations now, White Guys in America have been hearing footsteps -- female and nonwhite footsteps advancing relentlessly on the White Guys' exclusive clubhouse. This sense of creeping white unease has manifested itself in various ways over the years -- Nixon-era "states' rights," Reagan's crusade against "welfare moms," anti-immigrationism, and on and on -- and been skillfully exploited by leaders on the religious and political right.

Recent events, though, have thrown the White Guys into a full-blown, potentially violent panic. It began when Barack Obama's election appeared imminent, and reached a head with the passage of health care reform legislation. And this panic has a name -- the Tea Party.

 So what's it really about? And what if they took over? Blogger Chip Ward from joins Abe and Joe for a closer look at what's eating at the Tea Partiers, and postulate on what the world would be like were the Tea Party to gain ascendancy.



Dude, when that called mentioned the Zombietime website, I bet he was referencing the following thread:
That's right, you have a long (but only partial) list of anti-war protestors who held up "Kill Bush" signs throughout the country for the past 8 years. I saw at least 3 of them in downtown Portland at one protest alone. And you have the gall to lecture conservatives about hate speech and violence?? Shame on you.
Tea party protestors are not violent, and they are not racists. Hundreds of thousands of people in this movement have protested peacefully and lawfully, and you know it. Finding a teeny-tiny handful of nuts at these protests does not negate the fact I just told you. By the way, you ignored the fact that some Jew-hating lefty was arrested yesterday for threatening to kill Republican Congressman Eric Cantor. You credibility is zero, pal.

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