Wonderfil startup finds innovative way to tackle consumer plastic waste with dispensers for body care products


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Air date: 
Wed, 08/25/2021 - 5:30pm to 5:45pm


Most of us in the Pacific Northwest are familiar with reusable water bottles by now. Trading in other plastic containers however, can be challenging. That’s where a new start up called Wonderfil comes in. They’re not the first to work on refillable systems for shampoo and conditioner, but they are trying to do it better, and reduce consumer’s plastic waste in the process. They've created a smart tap dispensing system that could be used for body care products or condiments, everywhere from universities to hotels and grocery stores.

KBOO's Althea Billings spoke with Wonderfil founders Ameila Eichel and Shiloh Sacks to learn more about their work ahead of the showcase of the project at the Alberta Market this weekend. The Wonderfil Dispenser will be at the Alberta Market on August 28th and 29th. Visitors can fill their own reusable bottle with locally made soap and hand sanitizer to take home.

Related links:

Wonderfil website

Alberta Market website

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