The Abe and Joe Talk Radio Show on 11/20/12



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Air date: 
Tue, 11/20/2012 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Abe and Joe examine the Israel/Palestine conflict, past and present.

 Some things are timeless -- the world turns, and Israelis and Palestinians try to kill each other. As the latest iteration in this eternal folly heads into its second week, efforts to broker a cease-fire are intensifying.

All of this begs the question -- why are they fighting? Will it ever end? Abe and Joe look for an answer and take listener calls.


Yeah, right. Present an authoritarian concise history of Israel in an authoritative voice, but be sure not to mention the unending settlement building, landgrabs, Palestinian home demolitions, destruction of groves, and carving of the land with roads and checkpoints. Israel will never agree to a treaty, because that would end its expansion at Palestinian cost.
Also, thanks for describing how tough anti-semitism is in the western world. Of course, there is no prejudice or bias against people who are Muslim, Islamic agencies, Arabic or Farsi-speaking people, or Sikhs or anyone who might resemble a terrorist. Does the term "Islamaphobia" sound familiar? Tea baggers calling Islam the religion of hate?
I feel disgusted my KBOO membership pays for more of the same mainstream Zionist spin. I don't know where to turn now for trustworthy news and perspectives.

Unfortunately I couldn't relate at all to this morning's "history" lesson, as I thought it was so based on Israel-centric myths that oh-so-many Jewish progressives don't believe any more.  Come on, Joe, do some reading.  The founding of Israel "morally defensible from all angles" or something to that effect--really?  You might consider cracking one of these books--Phyllis Bennis' primer on the conflict, a couple of chapters out of Robert Fisk's last book, Arabs and Israel for Beginners, Jerusalem Calling (J Shalit), etc., etc.  Not even some of the progressive rabbis in the town would be in agreement with your take on the history.    Jewish Voices for Peace has a local chapter, for example, & they could probably hook you up with Maxine who recently went to Gaza.
Went to West Bank in 2001 & 2004.  Couldn't believe the # of myths that got deconstructed pretty quickly in my head from seeing an occupation that was much worse that I'd thought it would be.  Loved also that constant feeling of fear that the IDF might attack at any time. 
I just can't take it any more how complicit we as Americans are in this, as it is our dollars that fund the Israeli right-wing government & its ability to carry out the occupation.

Another reference I should have mentioned:  Jeff Halper, Obstacles to Peace.  It talks a lot about how the narrative on this issue is shaped. Nancy

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