Local musicians go online for Alberta Rose Theatre's Portland Music Stream series



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Air date: 
Thu, 04/02/2020 - 5:45pm to 6:00pm
The Alberta Rose Theatre presents the Portland Music Stream series
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Upcoming Portland Music Stream concerts

The coronavirus pandemic has hit our local musicians and music venues here in Portland especially hard. And, as with many of us, they’re adapting to the demands of social distancing, and staying home, by going online.

That’s the reason for the new Portland Music Stream series, presented by one of our favorite local venues, the Alberta Rose Theatre. The Alberta Rose originally opened as a movie house in 1927, the year of Al Jolson’s Jazz Singer, and showed films until it closed in 1978. It was reopened in 1998 and, since then, has become one of Portland’s top spots for live music and performance.

To find out more about the Portland Music Stream series, we’re joined now, via Skype, by Adam East, Talent Buyer for the Alberta Rose Theatre.

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