For Thanksgiving day, Rise When the Rooster Crows features songs and tunes of turkeys, cooking, pies, hands, harvest, love, cider, and hops.
Local and regional musicians in this episode include Smoke Creek, Wes Weddell & Ailisa Newhall, Meryle Korn, Fadin' by 9, Terri Grayum & Gwen Thomas, David Densmore, Seamus Egan, Susan Songer, Clyde Curley, and Betsy Branch.
Other musicians in the show include Tony Ellis, Mike & Peggy Seeger, Erynn Marshall & Carl Jones, Tim O'Brien, Guy Clark, Carolina Chocolate Drops, Fred & Jenny Armstrong-Parks, Chateau Neuf, Capercaillie, Atwater Donnelly, Bill Withers, Kate MacLeod and Kat Eggleston, Bruce Molsky & Big Hoedown, Danny and Joyce McLeod, The Longest Johns, Jay Ungar & Molly Mason.
The archived recording of this program starts about 2 minutes after you click the Play button. Click in the timeline to jump ahead or back.