guess who's coming to radio??!!



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Every 2nd (7-10 pm) and 4th (8-10 pm) Thursdays.

Radio as a liberatory tool...


This is a show with a goal to address the sociopolitical issues relative to African people and our experiences, in ways that promote positivity, awareness, and pro-activity.  We (who host the show) are currently located in the U.S.; however, wherever we are on the globe we are all connected, and none of us will be free until Africa is free!


The discussions will be combined with positive and political music of various genres (jazz, funk, rock, soul...  and much more), as composed and performed by a long line of descendants- ancestors and present folks. We love to play music which advocates for a higher consciousness- spiritual, political, etc.. We aim to air alternatives to the individualism, materialism and single-issue solutions we are conditioned to advocate for.  We feature book highlights, guests who contribute to pro-activity in their respective communities and an opportunity for the listening community to become involved in conversations, by calling in. We are but one way to honor the liberatory process- we cannot do it alone! 

KBOO Stream 1
Program status: 

guess who's coming to radio??!! on 08/25/16

Airs at: Thu, 08/25/2016 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm

guess who's coming to radio??!! on 08/11/16

Airs at: Thu, 08/11/2016 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Healing The Wor(l)d, Part One

Airs at: Thu, 08/11/2016 at 7:00pm - 10:00pm
We've been thinking a lot about the stages of grief, and how to heal.  We deal with this constantly; not just with the socio-political situations occurring; but with general relationships as well.  We wanted to take this month to explore these stages, primarily through m... Read more

guess who's coming to radio??!! on 07/28/16

Airs at: Thu, 07/28/2016 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm

guess who's coming to radio??!! on 07/14/16

Airs at: Thu, 07/14/2016 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm
With everything happening in this world right now, we at 'guess who's coming to radio??!!' wanted to send some (more) musical positive energy trhough the airwaves; and for this one-day membership drive we knew that the music of Mr. Roy Ayers was the perfect way to spread... Read more

For The Love Of Roy Ayers!!!

Airs at: Thu, 07/14/2016 at 7:00pm - 10:00pm
With everything happening in this world right now, we at 'guess who's coming to radio??!!' wanted to send some (more) musical positive energy trhough the airwaves; and for this one-day membership drive we knew that the music of Mr. Roy Ayers was the perfect way to spread... Read more

guess who's coming to radio??!! on 06/30/16

Airs at: Thu, 06/30/2016 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Don't Believe Their Hype...

Airs at: Thu, 06/23/2016 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm
There are so many forces coming at us all at once, to sway us from any focus we may have.  Those who control the narrative want to assure we remain emotionally tied to their symbolic gestures.  Of course we at 'guess who's coming to radio??!!' understand that the objecti... Read more

What Is More Important Than Fame? Liberation!

Airs at: Thu, 06/09/2016 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm
So many of our Master Teachers are leaving this earth- people who created art which stood for creativity and positivity; people who recognized that organization was a tool to getting free; people who achieved massive fame and made a conscious decision to commit 'class su... Read more

Honoring the life and art of Prince Rogers Nelson (part 2)

Airs at: Thu, 05/26/2016 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm
To cover the vast amount of work Prince Rogers Nelson has done on this earth, it's going to take a full year (at least).  We still wanted to do something with the minimal amount of time we have though, so we are spending this week looking at just a few of the MANY songs ... Read more