Locus Focus



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Every Monday from 10:00am to 11:00am.


A weekly conversation about our place on the planet. Locus Focus host Barbara Bernstein talks with local, regional and national experts, activists and policy makers about climate change, food policy, land use, salmon restoration, forest management and all the other things that matter in our environment.

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Grow your Own Food!!!

Airs at: Tue, 04/28/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Locus Focus
 Hosted by Barbara Bernstein It's time to plant your garden and this morning we talk with two Portland gardening proponents who work to make gardening accessible and enjoyable to everyone. We'll talk with Renee Moog, the coordinator for the SE Natural Techniques Demonstrati... Read more

Locus Focus

Airs at: Wed, 04/22/2009 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
41 years ago this week students at Columbia University began an occupation of their campus that shut down the university and resonated around the world. Last year many of these activists gathered at Columbia to remember and reassess this life-changing event. Among them was ... Read more

Mark Rudd's new memoir: Underground: My Life with SDS and the Weatherman

Airs at: Tue, 04/21/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
  Host Barbara Bernstein interviews Sixties activist Mark Rudd about his new memoir: "Underground: My Life with SDS and the Weatherman."    41 years ago this week students at Columbia University began an occupation of their campus that shut down the university and resonated ... Read more

Locus Focus on 04/15/09

Airs at: Wed, 04/15/2009 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
If the most affluent 400 Americans as of 2006 had paid as much of their incomes in taxes as the top 400 did in 1955, the federal treasury would have collected an additional $35.9 billion more in revenue in 2006 just from these 400 ultra-rich individuals. Guest Chuck Collins... Read more

Tax the Filthy Rich!!! -plus- Dateline Havana: The Real Story of U.S. Policy and the Future of Cuba

Airs at: Tue, 04/14/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Locus Focus
  If the most affluent 400 Americans as of 2006 had paid as much of their incomes in taxes as the top 400 did in 1955, the federal treasury would have collected an additional $35.9 billion more in revenue in 2006 just from these 400 ultra-rich individuals. Guest Chuck Colli... Read more

Locus Focus on 04/08/09

Airs at: Wed, 04/08/2009 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
In 1980 investigative journalist Karl Grossman wrote a book called "COVER UP: What you are not supposed to know about Nuclear Power." That was a year after the meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power facility in Pennsylvania scared the nation into rethinking its fai... Read more

What you're NOT supposed to know about Nuclear Power

Airs at: Tue, 04/07/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
In 1980 investigative journalist Karl Grossman wrote a book called "COVER UP: What you are not supposed to know about Nuclear Power." That was a year after the meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power facility in Pennsylvania scared the nation into rethinking its fai... Read more

Locus Focus

Airs at: Wed, 04/01/2009 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
Consensus is growing that the future bridge across the Columbia River on I5 will be a 12 lane mega bridge. But many people in the community disagree and are raising their voices in concern that such a massive infrastructure will encourage the kind of car and oil dependent w... Read more

Sensible Options for the Columbia River Crossing

Airs at: Tue, 03/31/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Locus Focus
 Hosted by: Barbara Bernstein   Does it make sense to replace the current bridge across the Columbia with a 12 lane megabridge?  Will it promote Urban Sprawl? Consensus is growing that the future bridge across the Columbia River on I5 will be a 12 lane mega bridge. But many... Read more

Locus Focus

Airs at: Wed, 03/25/2009 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
In the past week there has been intense outrage over AIG executive bonuses and other manifestations of corporate greed. How do we go beyond the angry mob mentality? Guest Rob Johnson, who co-wrote "Too Big to Bail: The 'Paulson Put,' Presidential Politics, and the Global Fi... Read more