I am committed to working for personal and global peace for all citizens and life in our world. On the NEW VISIONS FOR PEACE show, I will bring you information and inspiration for living a peaceful life.
I believe that creating a harmonious world begins in each one of us and the we are the agents of change. On NEW VISIONS FOR PEACE I will speak with the very inspiriational authors, teachers and practitioners who are sharing the ideas and practices that support both inner and global peace.
If you'd like to know more about me, my philosophy and the work I do for peace, go to: www.newdirectionsforpeace.com
I would like to thank Laura Love for generously consenting to let me use her fabulous rendition of Put A Little Love In Your Heart from her Helvitca Bold album. Check out more of her music at www.lauralove.net
This show is internet-only