Political Perspectives


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Every Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM.

News and views on current politics.

Different hosts each week bring a variety of guests and topics.

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Political Perspectives on 04/28/09

Airs at: Tue, 04/28/2009 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Political Perspectives
Host Eva Lake speaks with Kathe Kollwitz of The Guerilla Girls about art, women and activism. The Guerilla Girls will be speaking tonight (Tuesday, April 28), at 7pm at Portland State University in the Smith Memorial Ballroom at 1825 SW Broadway, as part of the series "Fem... Read more

Political Perspectives on 04/28/09

Airs at: Tue, 04/28/2009 at 9:00am - 9:30am
Produced for Political Perspectives
David Smith-Ferri and Noah Baker Merrill, volunteers with Direct Aid Iraq, recently returned from a trip Iraq and Jordan. They have visited families who fled under death threats, leaving all of their possessions and homes behind. They’ve recorded testimonies from people who... Read more

Kathe Kollwitz of the Guerilla Girls

Airs at: Mon, 04/27/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Political Perspectives
Kathe Kollwitz of the Guerilla Girls was in town to lecture for Bitch Magazine's "Feminist Perspectives in Pop Culture" lecture series. Before her lecture is at PSU's Smith Memorial on the 28th of April she spoke by phone with Eva Lake. The Guerilla Girls are a group of wom... Read more

Political Perspectives on 04/23/09

Airs at: Thu, 04/23/2009 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Political Perspectives
Host Marianne Barisonek interviews Susan Galleymore, author of "Long Time Passing: Mothers Speak About War and Terror." The mother of a U.S. soldier, Galleymore made international headlines by traveling to Iraq to visit her son on a military base. This prompted her journey ... Read more

Political Perspectives on 4/22/09

Airs at: Wed, 04/22/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Political Perspectives
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Host Per Fagereng speaks with environmental writer Chip Ward who says, "'Too big to fail.' It's been the mantra of our economic meltdown. Although meant to emphasize the overwhelming importance of this bank or that corporation, the phrase also unwittingly expresses a shared... Read more

Political Perspectives on 04/21/09

Airs at: Tue, 04/21/2009 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Political Perspectives
Host Per Fagereng speaks with environmental writer Chip Ward who says, "'Too big to fail.' It's been the mantra of our economic meltdown. Although meant to emphasize the overwhelming importance of this bank or that corporation, the phrase also unwittingly expresses a sha... Read more

The Politics of Water in the Middle East & the Developing World

Airs at: Mon, 04/20/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Political Perspectives
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On March 1st 2009 Portland Brit Tzedek V’Shalom, Congregation Shir Tikvah and the Bridgeport UCC co-sponsored an event, The Politics of Water in the Middle East & the Developing World. Speaking that afternoon were Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Dr. Jeff Albert, and Mousa Dia... Read more

Political Perspectives on 04/16/09

Airs at: Thu, 04/16/2009 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Political Perspectives
Host Linda Olson Osterlund interviews Ronault l.s. Catalani about his book Counter Culture: Immigrant Stories from Portland Cafe Counters. The book is a lyrical memoir written from Portland cafe counters by Polo, immigrant community poet and problem solver, West Coast and S... Read more

Political Perspectives on 4/15/09

Airs at: Wed, 04/15/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Political Perspectives
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Host Linda Olson-Osterlund interviews Ronault L.S. Catalani, author, poet immigrant rights attorney and the the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Affairs Coordinator. In his evocative new book Catalani also known as "Polo" writes a series of essays from familiar cafes.... Read more

Political Perspectives on 04/15/09

Airs at: Wed, 04/15/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Political Perspectives
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Host Marianne Barisonek speaks with Chris Martenson, who offers a free crash course on "how we got into this economic crisis." Chris Martenson is an author; obsessive financial observer; trained as a scientist; experienced in business; has made profound changes in his lifes... Read more