Prison Pipeline


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Policy Making with Rep. Tawna Sanchez
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Every Monday 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM.

Connecting with the Community Inside.

Prison Pipeline

Prison Pipeline is a radio program dedicated to educating the public about the Oregon criminal justice system. Our goal is to present a unique understanding of the criminal justice system, address the root causes of crime, and challenge the status quo. We seek to promote awareness and activism in order to foster a safe, healthy, and just society. Tune in every Monday at 6:30 P.M. to hear our hosts Karen James, Adam Carpinelli, Emma Lugo, & Doug McVay explore the Oregon justice system with a variety of guests. Hosts rotate weekly.

Please feel free to connect with us with any questions, comments or suggestions at
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Jamaica Imani-Nelson shares her stories

Airs at: Mon, 12/27/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Prison Pipeline
Prison Pipeline guest was Jamaica Imani-Nelson. She was released from Coffee Creek about two years ago and is now employed as the Administrative Assistant at PovertyBridge, an organization that creates authentic opportunities for people in poverty. Jamaica’s biggest challen... Read more

Calls From Home

Airs at: Mon, 12/20/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Prison Pipeline
Today’s show focused on the Calls from Home project from WMMT and Appalshop in Whitesburg, KY. Prison Pipeline volunteer LT interviews Julia Taylor about how families and communities can stay connected to prisoners through radio. We also shared some of those recorded messa... Read more

Mid Valley Mentors

Airs at: Mon, 12/06/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Prison Pipeline
Mid Valley Mentors was represented by Suzanne Jorgensen, Communications & Development Director and Alex El’Dabaa, the RSP Match Support Specialist. You can become a mentor and help someone transition out of incarceration back into society. For more information about this fin... Read more

Tim King from Salem-News comments on the William Coleman case

Airs at: Mon, 11/22/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Prison Pipeline
The editor and founder of Salem-News, Tim King, told us about his investigation of the William Coleman case. Our conversation explored racism at OSP, and in Oregon. You can read more articles written by Tim at or you can e-mail him at ... Read more

Dave Dahl of Dave's Killer Bread

Airs at: Mon, 11/15/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Prison Pipeline
Dave Dahl, a friend to prisoners and folks on the outside who advocate for improving the prison system, was our telephone guest tonight. Ruth and Dave talked about the importance of maintaining relationships with family and friends during incarceration. Read more

An evening with Solara McFarland

Airs at: Mon, 11/01/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Prison Pipeline
Solara McFarland, recovering addict, ex-con and now an advocate of prison reform talked about House Bill 2442. Also, since you're interested in prison issues, be sure to check the Street Roots Auction. You can join Ruth and a distinguished guest for an Italian or Hungarian ... Read more

Junior talks about life before and after prison

Airs at: Mon, 10/25/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Prison Pipeline
Our guest, Junior has been in six maximum-security prisons in the last twenty years. Twenty-seven years ago he became a skinhead and is one of the five founding members of the White Nights. In 1996, his life changed and he is now a student and an active advocate for youth a... Read more

Updates on Mumia and November elections

Airs at: Mon, 10/18/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Prison Pipeline
We heard from Shawn Carnahan, who provided updates on Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Erika Spaet who shared the position Partnership, Safety and Justice has taken on some of the the November election issues. If you appreciate Prison Pipeline and the other fine programs presented on K... Read more

Ailsa Weisnewski and Blacque Butterfly perform

Airs at: Mon, 10/11/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Prison Pipeline
Another Membership Drive night! Tonight we had two fine guests – Blacque Butterfly, presented a few spoken word pieces and Ailsa Weisnewski sang a few songs. Thank you all for listening and I hope some of you called in Membership Pledges to KBOO. If you didn’t get a chance,... Read more

Ailsa Weisnewski performs

Airs at: Mon, 10/04/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Prison Pipeline
It’s Membership Drive night, so we wanted to do something special—and we did! Our guest Ailsa Weisnewski, sang while she strummed her guitar. We heard two original songs (one of them based on a poem Ruth Kovacs shared with Ailsa), a Bob Dylan song (when sung by Ailsa didn’t... Read more