Voices from the Edge



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Every Thursday from 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Progressive talk radio from a grassroots perspective

About the program …

Community dialogue is important. Voices from the Edge lends a KBOO microphone to informed guests you might not hear anywhere else. With an hour to invest, the call-in format engages listeners in meaningful conversations about crucial issues like racial disparity, government accountability, environmental justice and politics on local, state and national levels. Join lively discussions about concerns that are important to you and our community. Together we’ll make Oregon and our nation a better place for a larger number of those living here.

About the host

Jo Ann Hardesty is a Portland City Commissioner and Principal Partner at Consult Hardesty. She serves as a subject matter expert on a myriad of issues and is available as a speaker, facilitator and campaign planner. A long-time voice for Portland's under-represented communities and a leader in the struggle against racial and economic injustice, Jo Ann was three times elected to the Oregon legislature and for many years Executive Director of Oregon Action. She’s been called on by the City of Portland to help re-write the City Charter and organizes those on the downside of power to pursue their interests from the local to the federal level. She is particularly committed to leadership development and in holding those in power accountable.

Join the conversation …

Join the conversation every Thursday morning from 8-9 a.m. by calling 503-231-8187. Keep the conversation going after the program at our blog at kboo.fm/voicesfromtheedge.


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Voices from the Edge on 10/13/11

Airs at: Thu, 10/13/2011 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Award-winning investigative journalist Greg Palast blew the lid off voter fraud in 2000 and 2004 that threw the presidential elections into doubt. Greg has picked up the money trail again, following it to a corrupt link between Big Oil and High Finance that has produced rec... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 10-06-11 Where vision meets on-the-ground action: A conversation with Eric Mann

Airs at: Thu, 10/06/2011 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Where vision meets on-the-ground action: A conversation with Eric Mann How does the vision of creating social justice get translated into concrete action for change? What are the roles and responsibilities of the organizer in making change happen? This week on Voices from t... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 09-29-11 The Fraying of Oregon's Middle Class

Airs at: Thu, 09/29/2011 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
The Fraying of Oregon's Middle Class Good wages, benefits and a better life for your children were what most Americans expected in return for their hard day's work. But these pieces of the American dream are fast disappearing as living wage jobs disappear, hard-won benefit... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 09-22-11 What does it mean to be connected?

Airs at: Thu, 09/22/2011 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
What does it mean to be connected? A conversation with filmmaker Tiffany Shlain Are you unable to go more than an hour without checking your email? Are you and your laptop or smartphone inseparable? Or are you so overwhelmed by technology to the point of shunning it all? W... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 09/15/11

Airs at: Thu, 09/15/2011 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
What draws youth to gang life and how we draw them out of the life? Continuing last week's conversation on acts of community violence like the shooting of six Jefferson High School students, Jo Ann and Dave look at what draws youth into the gang life and keeps them there de... Read more

Voices from the Edge 09-08-11

Airs at: Thu, 09/08/2011 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
How should we respond to the Jefferson student shootings?   Last Friday night, two young men opened fire on a group of Jefferson High School students, wounding six of them. Mayor Sam Adams authorized increased police presence in the area and extended the assignment of addi... Read more

Voices from the Edge 09-01-11 Growing up black in white suburbia

Airs at: Thu, 09/01/2011 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Growing up black in white suburbia What does it mean growing up where your classmates and neighbors don't look like you? How does that shape your sense of self-identity? These questions go directly to the experience of a rising number of African American girls growing up i... Read more

Voices from the Edge 08-25-11 Getting on board with a fair transit policy

Airs at: Thu, 08/25/2011 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Getting on board with a fair transit policy As TriMet begins considering fares for a new fiscal year, some community members are calling on the transit authority to address inequities between MAX and bus transfer policies that hurt working class families relying on bus ser... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 08/18/11

Airs at: Thu, 08/18/2011 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
The case for nonviolent resistance: an interview with Erica Chenoweth At a time when our government, with the support of many Americans, increasingly turns to drones and other long-range violence to "keep America safe", making the case for nonviolent alternatives becomes dif... Read more

Voices from the Edge 08-18-11 The Case for Nonviolent Resistance

Airs at: Thu, 08/18/2011 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
The case for nonviolent resistance: an interview with Erica Chenoweth At a time when our government, with the support of many Americans, increasingly turns to drones and other long-range violence to "keep America safe", making the case for nonviolent alternatives becomes ... Read more