This edition: the candidates for President and some thoughts on endorsements
and the traditional media. The two Democratic candidates for President,
Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as well as the Republican
candidate, Senator John McCain have all put forth some pl...
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A discussion with Michael Mariotte, Executive Director of the Nuclear
Information & Resource Service, about the possibility of a nuclear power
relapse in the U.S., and around the world.
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A crew of KBOO news reporters interviews experts around the nation to find
out what more about trash and its impacts on our neighborhoods and our
planet. Part 3 includes reporters Ryan White and Katie Arrents on the
de-construction movement and recycling; KBOO reporter Ric...
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A crew of KBOO news reporters interviews experts around the nation to find
out what more about trash and its impacts on our neighborhoods and our
planet. Part 2 includes Lisa Loving speaking with writer Elizabeth Royte,
author of Garbage Lands: On the Secret Trail of Trash...
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A crew of KBOO news reporters interviews experts around the nation to find
out what more about trash and its impacts on our neighborhoods and our
planet. Part 1 includes: Lisa Loving interviews New York Times blogger
Benjamin Miller; Suzanne La Grande speaks with Julie Dani...
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Producer Lisa Loving interviews science writer Elizabeth Royte, author of
Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash, about her upcoming book,
Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It.
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The Rogue River is number two on the list of “America’s Most Endangered
Rivers.” The new report is from the conservation group American Rivers. It
says if the Bureau of Land Management’s Western Oregon Plan Revision goes
into effect, more should be done to protect tributar...
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