Wednesday Talk Radio on 06/28/23



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Wed, 06/28/2023 - 8:00am to 9:00am
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Monday was no air signal for first 20 minutes of Democracy Now, nor an on-air or use of web-site to explain any technical snafu. Today airing RADIO ECO SHOCK from up off the coast of British Columbia, Victoria Island. It is good Public Interest broadcasting. KBOO's paid staff have usually used it as Thursday morn podcast filler with no local discussion or interaction, much less any written background posted on Paul Roland and Jacqueline Keeler's Wednesday Morning Chat or link to the RADIO ECO SHOCK podcast website. No use of KBOO's web site to inform listeners about these programming moves. Dynamic as they are and I do appreciate a community radio station being willing to break the US Pay2Play broadcast cookie cutter mold.

Yet, again, no KBOO voice to announce after Democracy Now what up with Paul Roland and Jacqueline Keeler's Wednesday Morn Chat, what or why it is being replaced. Guess KBOO is like most robo-radio, flip switches and air whatever is found online being done creatively from far flung areas beyond our bio-region and struggling communities.

Perhaps Trustafarians
don't know what is best for regional community radio.

Try hiring some full-time job folks to direct traffic between all the unpaid volunteer producers of programming and providers of volunteer services. Not the part-time jobs only the rich and securely housed can afford to accept. Ironically to raise money for KBOO! Part of what Pauline Kael called "THE COMMODIFICATION OF CONSCIENCE, as she so elegantly described the Listener-sponsored Public Interest format for community radio that Pacifica Foundation under founder Lew Hill and cohort established in 5 regions across the country and on the under-used FM radio broadcast spectrum.

Back when Pauline Kael also co-pioneered Rep Movie reviewing and Rep Movie Theaters down in Berkeley, paying her way with those ventures while working for free at KPFA\Pacifica until she landed her full-time paying job as NEW YORKER MAGAZINE paid staff film essayist.

Hire some full-time folks who KBOO Foundation pays enough to live in Scare City: dba Market Driven Scarcity Principle that drives up real estate and property values the less of it is replenished or built. Both for mom and pop homeowners all the way up to the big downtown and international investment network speculators in Global Capital and who've cornered the market in once-affordable human habitat and now will kill the cities that nurtured them for a brief decade or so of federally subsidized low-income housing as made Fred Trump and his Family and the Public\Private Partnerships with banks who red-lined those government subsidized mostly sub-urban well-maintained housing.

Where African-Americans need not apply for housing even if they served in World Wars and our Perma War E-CON-O-My and held their rights to GI bills mebbe came home injured but couldn't get access during the decades of flourishing public housing for others. For example these common practices that determined PoTown, Oregon's racial demographics and home-ownership patterns:

Homeowners to Resolve Fair Lending Claims


Thursday, July 12, 2012
For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs

"African-American and Hispanic Borrowers Who Qualified for Loans and Were Charged Higher Fees or Rates or Were Improperly Placed into Subprime Loans Are Eligible for Compensation

"The Department of Justice today filed the second largest fair lending settlement in the department’s history to resolve allegations that Wells Fargo Bank, the largest residential home mortgage originator in the United States, engaged in a pattern or practice of discrimination against qualified African-American and Hispanic borrowers in its mortgage lending from 2004 through 2009.

"The settlement provides $184.3 million in compensation for wholesale borrowers who were steered into subprime mortgages or who paid higher fees and rates than white borrowers because of their race or national origin. Wells Fargo will also provide $50 million in direct down payment assistance to borrowers in communities around the country where the department identified large numbers of discrimination victims and which were hard hit by the housing crisis.

"Additionally, Wells Fargo has agreed to conduct an internal review of its retail mortgage lending and will compensate African-American and Hispanic retail borrowers who were placed into subprime loans when similarly qualified white retail borrowers received prime loans. Compensation paid to any retail borrowers identified in the review process will be in addition to the $184.3 million to compensate wholesale borrowers who were victims of discrimination .

“The department’s action makes clear that we will hold financial institutions accountable, including some of the nation’s largest, for lending discrimination,” said Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole. “An applicant’s creditworthiness, and not the color of his or her skin, should determine what loans a borrower qualifies for. With today’s settlement, the federal government will ensure that African-American and Hispanic borrowers who were discriminated against will be entitled to compensation and borrowers in communities hit hard by this housing crisis will have an opportunity to access homeownership.”

"The settlement, which is subject to court approval, was filed today in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in conjunction with the department’s complaint, which alleges that between 2004 and 2008, Wells Fargo discriminated by steering approximately 4,000 African-American and Hispanic wholesale borrowers, as well as additional retail borrowers, into subprime mortgages when non-Hispanic white borrowers with similar credit profiles received prime loans. All the borrowers who were allegedly discriminated against were qualified for Wells Fargo mortgage loans according to Well Fargo’s own underwriting criteria."

Create full-time KBOO Staff jobs for those who are engaged in community radio (here and elsewhere) and mebbe they'll feel a connection to the local activist and artistic sub-cultures that tend to form the core of community radio listenership and sponsorship. For too long KBOO like the Pacifica Foundation and many other non-profits and self-declared Public Interest institutions have relied on FREE LABOR from the fortunate living off Trust Funds or family wealth meaning they didn't need a salary that allowed one to subsist securely in Scare City of PoTown, Ore. Make that commitment and perhaps in return you'll see forged ties between the KBOO community generation over generation beyond the building of crony networks and vanity projects or cults of personality within silo'd areas of Public Interest and creative use of airwaves and cyber platforms to build a solid community from the foundations of modest facilities on up to broadcast and satellite feed towers. Not to mention forging ties to the community they serve.

Tio Mitchito
Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers
Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)
Media Discussion List\LookseeInnerEarsHearHere
PUSH - ( some excerpts from the documentary )
Tiktaks Point of View
336 subscribers
1,438 views Sep 1, 2021
Some excerpts from the documentary "PUSH" (2019) (full doc @ "Push | TVO Docs" on YouTube)

Exploring why people cannot be allowed to live in cities... The high cost of housing and global investment funds that push people to poverty and strip them of a fundamental human right.

Producers: Fredrik Gertten, Margarete Jangard

Director: Fredrik Gertten

From Knowledge Network Aired Feb. 2, 2021

Full documentary can be seen here "Push | TVO Docs" on YouTube:
• Push | TVO Docs
I've also tried organizing fund-raisers for KBOO and Low-Income Housing starts by screening this Public Interest Sweden TV documentary that was sizzling on the International Film Festival Circuit at the end of 2019 just as COVID was closing movie theaters and Town Hall meetings or Public Forums the world over. Since then I've not been able to interest anyone at KBOO or the non-profit film preservation houses in town like the Clinton Street Theater and the Hollywood Theater with its newest non-profit save of the last full-service Video Rental shop in town (perhaps the world), namely MOVIE MADNESS on Belmont Ave near the Mt. Tabor residential neighborhood.

I've even been in email touch with some of the English language sources in the English language Public Interest Swedish TV documentary that explains the dynamics behind a GLOBAL LOSS OF AFFORDABLE HUMAN HABITAT. American academics who are not welcome by the powerful interests of global capital investment afraid of any loss to the speculative value of properties bought up en masse by a handful of global trading houses like Black Rock and Blackstone Finance.

These American academic experts who've been invited by municipalities in cities that have not folded up during Pandemic as has happened in PoTown, Ore and other centers of greed in the western U.S. with Hoovervilles of Homeless "SHELTERING IN PLACE" in tents rather than housed in the wealthiest nation in quantified human his\herstory! Saskia Sassen at Columbia University can be seen addressing municipalities and NGO's around the world in the 5 languages she speaks fluently, while teaching in English at an Ivy League school by searching her name online. Yet she and her colleague and fellow source for PUSH the documentary film in English from Swedish Public Interest TV are not welcome as Golden Rolodex experts on US broadcast news or even on community radio like KBOO, where Trustafarians perhaps are not feeling so insecure as to think they too may find themselves with no options but to spend cold northern Oregon nights in a tent on the street even as the United States of Amnesia has had a construction boom in luxury priced condos, residential market rate leases and luxury hotels that for years now have been sitting vacant, yet owned by faceless global capital and keeping the value of the properties where these tent cities of homeless sit cheek by jowl with what Professors Sassen and her colleague at Columbia and in the film, the Nobel Economist Joseph Stiglitz call SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES IN THE SKIES, which is how global investors view even empty luxury housing and the deserted streets they've been built upon.

Real Estate is the last safe haven for currency hoarders as inflation by monetarist policies reduce the value of hoarded currency requiring "investment" to preserve the value of the world's reserve currency:

Saskia Sassen - The process of “financialisation” of real estate assets
OECD SMEs, Regions and Cities
1.6K subscribers
1,887 views May 2, 2019

"Saskia Sassen, Professor of Sociology, Columbia University and London School of Economics, US and UK at the OECD Conference on SMEs and the Urban Fabric, 15-16 April 2019, OECD Trento Centre, Italy."

"Housing is increasingly becoming a financial asset, including low-income and social housing. This process of “financialisation” of real estate assets is subtracting resources from middle and lower-income households. Investment into real estate assets by financial firms has been especially pronounced in large cities and it has intensified in the last decade. This can have perverse consequences on housing markets, e.g. properties can create value when they are unoccupied."

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