1. Saturday 7/21 12noon: head to the East Side of Portland, under the Hawthorne Bridge for this year's 15th annual PDX Pop Now! music festival. It's free, and it's chock full of new bands for you to discover. There's a full 12 hours of programming today, starting with D.J. Max and ending with BlackWater HolyLight 11:20pm to midnight
2. Day 1 of the festival is over, but the night is still young! Get in your car with a few fellow music-obsessives, tune your radio to KBOO 90.7FM, and catch late-night program Back To The Egg as host Crackity Jones opens the PDX Pop Now! audio scrapbook, playing you 3 hours of his favorite tracks taken from all 15 volumes of the annual companion compilations. Some of the artists on the shortlist include March Forth Marching Band, Viva Voce, kulululu, Cool Flowers, Ripley Snell, and The Sensualists. Drive across all the bridges as you time travel through 15 years of recorded Portland music history. Drop friends off. Come home. Pass out on the couch (not the floor).
3. Wake up next morning Sunday 7/22 at 11am. Drag a comb across your head.
4. Head down to Audiocinema for Day 2 of PDX Pop Now!: The Music Festival. It's gon' be hot, bring your sunscreen, and bring a hat! Also bring a large vintage ice block for you and your friends to sit on. Stay till the end: Ural Thomas & The Pain closes out the night and the festival! You'll be home by 10:45pm at the latest, giving you plenty of extra rest for a return to your regular life on Monday.
Back To The Egg's PDX Pop Now! special airs Saturday night 7/21 from 11:59pm until Sunday morning 7/22 at 3am.