Dr. Eric Loomis joins Abe and Joe to discuss the past and future of organized
labor in the U.S.
During America’s earlier Gilded Age, the working classes faced formidable
establishment opposition — including a conservative and pro-business
Supreme Court. Abe and Joe are joi...
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Ways in which Trump might be shown the door.
It’s possible that Donald Trump might not serve out his first turn. Abe
and Joe discuss the several ways in which Donald Trump might be shown the
door, under his own volition or not.
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Donald Trump’s new National Security Advisor is none other than John Bolton
— neocon, warmonger, and regime-change obsessive. He’s just the guy to
give Trump the war he wants. Also — the March for Our Lives and the kids
who will save us all.
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As Bob Mueller’s investigation crosses a new line, more details have
emerged on how Facebook data was hijacked and used to game not just the
American election, but the Brexit vote as well. Abe and Joe take your calls.
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As Bob Mueller’s investigation crosses a new line, more details have
emerged on how Facebook data was hijacked and used to game not just the
American election, but the Brexit vote as well. Abe and Joe take your calls.
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