


Abe and Joe discuss the not inconsiderable accomplishments of the Obama administration.

Airs at: Tue, 01/04/2011 at 12:00am
Hosted by Abe Proctor and Joe Uris It's no secret that for progressives, the Obama administration has been a mixed bag. A number of landmark accomplishments seem diminished in light of what they might have been, had the President and his Congressional majority had the back... Read more

Voices from the Edge 12-30-10 Portland Police Association Contract

Airs at: Thu, 12/30/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Jo Ann and Dave discussed the Portland Police Association's tentative contract agreement with the City of Portland, which will be presented at general meetings scheduled January 5th and 6th, 2011. Listeners called in to share their views. Jo Ann Bowman is a former state leg... Read more

Voices from the Edge 12-23-10 Who Was Good & Who Was Bad in 2010?

Airs at: Thu, 12/23/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
    It's that time of year when Jo Ann and Dave review which of our public figures deserve a gift in their stocking and which deserve a lump of coal. They'll also be asking listerners to share their holiday list of candidates. Will it include Senator John McCain for ... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 11/25/10 - Open Lines

Airs at: Thu, 11/25/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
This week Dave hosted open lines.  Callers discussed various topics; from police issues to the TSA, to things they give thanks for. The conversation doesn't end when the program does. You can join in additional discussion of the week's issue on our blog at Read more

Positively Revolting on 11-19-10: Mike Bonanno of the Yes Men

Airs at: Fri, 11/19/2010 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Positively Revolting
Continuing Positively Revolting's "The Spirit of Rebellion" series, this edition features guest features Mike Bonanno of the Yes Men! At the end of November, there is a week held aside for Carnivalesque Rebellion, which features Buy Nothing Day.  This is an international we... Read more

What Are You Doing For THANKSGIVING? Join KBOO and Friends Tuesday 11/23 Food, Music, Dance & more..

The Watershed Cafe & KBOO RADIO Proudly Present "Thanks 4 Giving 2010" Featuring Thanksgiving Potluck, Live Bands,  DJs, Dance, Live Art, Acrobats, Fire, Hoops Interactive Audio/Visual Art and more... Every Tuesday from 9pm -12am The Watershed Cafe presents DRAWBRIDGE - The ... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 11/18/10 - Mayor Adams New Gun Control Proposal

Airs at: Thu, 11/18/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
  body { overflow: auto; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }#cg_msg_content { margin: 0px 10px 10px; }#inline_attachments { margin: 0px 10px 10px; }.headerSubjectLine, .headerSender, .headerRss { display: inline-block; margin-right: 2px; }.headerSubjec... Read more

Cynthia Mckinney of Green Party talks about war, peace, and Bike4Peace

Airs at: Thu, 11/18/2010 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Fight the Empire
Host Per Fagereng interviews former Georgia Congressional Representative Cynthia McKinney a member of the Green Party since 2007. She served six terms as a member of the United States House of Representatives. In 2008, the Green Party nominated McKinney for President of the... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 11/11/10 - Susan Banyas and The Hillsboro Story

Airs at: Thu, 11/11/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
#cg_msg_content #cg_msg_content #cg_msg_content #cg_msg_content div { margin: 0px; } A celebration of civil rights: Susan Banyas and The Hillsboro Story Two months after the historic Brown v. Board of Education decision legally ending school segregation, the county engi... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 11-04-2010 What were voters thinking?

Airs at: Thu, 11/04/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
#cg_msg_content #cg_msg_content #cg_msg_content div { margin: 0px; } What were voters thinking? A look at midterm election results Voters were angry, distrustful of political insiders and worried about government spending - at least that's the narrative provided by the m... Read more